

Any editions of books you've marked as 'owned' will show up in this list.

Carnival at candlelight

#5 of 21 in Magic Tree House "Merlin Missions"

Carnival at candlelight
ByMary Pope Osborne

2004 • 14 Readers • 130 pages 3.7

Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon

2009 • 208 Readers • 32 pages 3.7

Cover 4

2004 • 1 Reader 5

Scarecrow / Seven Ancient Wonders

2008 • 4 Readers • 1,067 pages 3.5

The Doomsday Conspiracy / The Stars Shine Down

1 Reader • 888 pages 2

Cover 3

The Fury
ByL.J. Smith

1991 • 16 Readers • 308 pages 3.5

The Ruby Key

#1 of 2 in Moon & Sun

The Ruby Key
ByHolly Lisle

2008 • 15 Readers • 361 pages 3.6

Welcome to Camden Falls

#1 of 6 in Main Street

2007 • 5 Readers • 185 pages 4.3