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Tava's Books by Status

Tava's Most Popular Reviews

I'm pretty disappointed. The story is told from 3 characters points of view. Often, it was difficult to distinguish between the women. I didn't really feel there was a climax... like it there was supposed to be more.

April 21, 2014

I'm a huge fan of Tina Fey so I'm not surprised by the humor in this book. I relate to her quirky personality and laughed hysterically

April 15, 2014

Life lessons about enjoying the journey because you're meant to be where you'll end up.

May 9, 2023

Definitely gets you thinking of the infinite possibilities life has to offer.

February 20, 2023

I absolutely loved this book. It wasn't until I finished that is realized that the Grimke sisters were real inspirational women in our history. I like to think that I'd have their bravery during that time.

March 31, 2014