Me he quedado hasta las 2am terminando esta joyita. Todo en este libro está en su punto. No es un clásico libro de ficción con una gran aventura, sino que se centra en una protagonista con la que (si no eres de esas personas que viven el "si amas tu trabajo, no tiene que trabajar un dÃa en tu vida") es demasiado fácil identificarse. Marisa está cansada, desesperanzada de la vida y el sistema en que tenemos que vivirla, y no la culpamos, la entendemos.
Me sentà menos sola leyendo este libro, y la cereza del pastel ha sido el fenomenal sentido del humor que se maneja. Gracias a la autora por escribirlo.
Contains spoilers
I have to say that the first book gave me some Pretty Little Liars vibes and it was so fun to read it and go guessing who would be the villian, who murdered who, and the thrill to be right!! I LOVED this series so much, and this one even more than the others two made me cry and got me so anxious about how it would end that I'm giving it five stars despite what I'm about to writeSo stop here if you don't want spoilers please.
OMG THE END. I was SOO pissed at the end because the second the plot had that twist and Pip actually killed Jason I had to stop reading it for at least a couple of weeks. I had never been that anxious while reading a book, EVER, and when she and Ravi made a plan and made all those careful details fall into place, I was living for it. I cried my eyes out when she was about to get murdered and I cried my soul out when Max was plead not guilty, so I was rooting for their plan to succeed. And it fricking did. So forgive me but I was waiting for a HAPPY ENDING. And to break my heart in that last chapters like that!! I saw it coming, I knew it was going to be yet another plot twist, but no thaat! Not having them apart like that for over a year just waiting, I hated it. I needed the hapy ending, I needed Ravi helping Pip move to school and them dating and just being happy, so yes, I was mad and sad about the ending. And that last page??? A test message??? That's the ending I got for reading three amazing books? Sorry, I loved all the book, all the series, but that ending just broke my heart.
PS. I just remembered that when we still didn't know who DT was and the obvious answer was Jason (because if the Andie's email) and Pip thought it was Daniel, I even thought it could have been DI Hawkins because he was Jason's friend and the head of the police force so it made sense and it would've been such an intense plot twist.