Even though I have love the book and the characters and I was eager to learn more about them, it totally make sense that this epilogue never made into the published book considering that it does not add much to the story. Nevertheless it was fun to read and to have a little bit more time with Mika, Ian and Terracota.
I couldn't wait for it to be over. I understand the book was written in early 2000s and the world was different then, however I was astonished about how homophobic, racist, elitist, and chauvinist this book was. It is way more retrograde than books I have read from classical writers, like Dickens. Let's not even get into the problematics of a naked man showing up to a 7 years old girl and asking her to keep it secret. Beyond that, some parts of the book sounded like the author was lazy, it was like reading someone's diary, no deep nuances or details, just a quick description about facts of the day. I should also mention that what Claire did to her friend in the past and then again in the future made me nauseated, no level of suffering can justify her bitchiness.
Giving 1 star because it can't be lower and after all the book distracted, even if it made me mad.
It was fun to read, there was a moment that I was so devastated about something that happens that I didn't want to continue. However I felt like something was missing and after much thought I realized that even though the book brings a lot of discussions regarding feminism, it lacks depth, I say that having in mind that the story happens on the 1960s and some resolutions to the conflict were easily solved which I don't think it would be the same if that had really happened in the 60s, for example, Elizabeth starring for a long time on TV preaching about feminism without men revolting against it and taking measures to restrain her.
O livro se vende como uma fantasia baseada em mitologia sul-americana mas pouco se fala dos assuntos. Os seres fantástico são descritos de forma breve, única coisa que sei é que Reina é de uma espécie que tem rabo e que Eva tem chifres e ambas espécies são cada vez mais raras. Mas há pouca apresentação dos seres fantásticos e até desenvolvimento de personagens. Os diálogos parecem escritos por um aluno de ensino fundamental, sem descrever emoções ou ações, apenas falas soltas. A resolução da história é também corrida e simplista. Exceto pelo capítulo final que soaram como 100 páginas de dois personagens falando nada com nada. Até que gostei das personagens e se a história tivesse sido melhor desenvolvida eu até pensaria em pegar o restante da trilogia para ler.
Despite the fact that sometimes I thought the book was too much focused on explaining war strategies, which turned out to be boring, the story as a whole is very interesting and it kept me reading non stop. The end of the second part is kind of gore, I had to stop to breathe otherwise I'd have thrown up. I still haven't decided if I like Rin or not, she is so smart but some times she makes some stupid decisions (but she's only 18, so I'll give her a break).
I've started reading it because I was in love with Aren and Lara and wanted to know more about them even though I knew this book was about Keris and Zarrah. However, for my surprise I ended up loving Keris and Zarrah even more as the characters are much better developed than the previous couple. I just couldn't stop reading and wonder what was going to happen to them.
I'd love to give this book 5 stars, but I don't know if it was because the book was longer than the previous ones or if it was the story or if it was just my anxiety, I've thought the development of the story pretty slow and I got into a reading slowdown from 20% up until 80%. Despite that, the story is great, the ending was divine. Don't know if I'll read the next book (not an Ahnna's fan), but I'm definitely looking for other Danielle's books.
Best book ever! My friends told me I wouldn't like, that Tolkien books are somehow boring because he is too attached to details, but in fact I liked it a lot, the details help us to visualize the scene and feel what the characters are feeling. A must read!
I read the Wikipedia about the book before starting it so I could have an overall idea to the references Dickens did. The book made me hate pretentious rich people even more than I already do. Moreover, I had to hold my tears when Meg decides to go to the river, as that was a real story that happened in England at the time.
It didn't add much to the story, even though it shows how the council and the people has reacted to Lara's return. Beyond that, the book consisted mostly of Aren and Lara enjoying themselves.
What an intense book! I had no idea about the history of Jamaica, now I'm about to deep dive on it. The only reason for giving it 4 stars is that I though the end confusing: how did Gillian knew where to find Irie when it says that Irie itself didn't know where the club was? Also it doesn't explain how Kojo died, how Gillian's family heard about her death, how they reacted, if they retaliated somehow, and why the radio station was called Irie?
This wasn't as much fun as the previous one, also...
Oh Mick 😢
I was starting to enjoy him.
This book was a little bit confusing for me, has he achieved what he wanted when he went to the planet, or not?!
Once and again McCarthy delivers a masterpiece where hopelessness and emptiness reign. I am still impressed. Some characters political remarks throughout the book made me unsure about what to think/feel, some made me feel uncomfortable and at the same time question their need on the book. But later it felt right, it contributed to the feeling of hopelessness. Also, while researching about the author I found that he was never clear about his political beliefs and on his works they always depended on the point of view of the reader, turning his works even more interesting.
The book just kept me anguished but I couldn't stop reading it. The ending was difficult, I felt nauseated, unhopeful and once again, anguished. I had to take many pauses, I could only complete it after I told my husband that I needed to share everything that was happening so I could put out my feelings. Well done, RF Kuang, I missed reading books with so well written characters and I'll certainly miss Rin, Kitay, Venka, the Trifecta and the Cike. Now let me go grab a lighter book to read so I can emotionally recover from this.
So annoying, couldn't pass the first chapter. I know it was based on Cinderella but this idea of a poor woman mistreated by her step mother is so annoying and immature.
This is a reread so it was interesting to pay attention to how I felt the first time I read it and now that I am older. In the past I would have given 5 stars but now I am giving only 4. It was good to read but it is not a masterpiece. Eragon is annoying and arrogant, which I totally understand as he is still a teenager, but I do hope he'll evolve with the next books. I don't remember much about his behavior on the 2nd and 3rd book and I haven't read the 4th and 5th yet, morevoer, as this is the first book of the series there was not much character development as it was already expected.
Things I had forgotten from 1st read:
How Tolkien wannabe Paolini is: very descriptive, creating languages and showing it off throughout the book...
How obvious are Saphira's comments.
How Roran arc is much more interesting than Eragon's
How philosophical Eragon's training was. I have even highlighted to remember in the posterity.
Another thing I noticed is the bring up of people's prejudices against other races. I hope the next books will develop it better, it would be interesting.
The writing is amazing buy some points of the story like adult minor relationship, rape and prejudice against black women made me lower the rating
No doubt Dickens was one of the greatest authors of English literature, and no doubt David Copperfield was his masterpiece. The book brings up with naturalism discussions about topics, as feminism, classism, under employment, and public policies, that are still relevant today, which demonstrates how ahead of his time Dickens was (or how behind on those topics society still is).
It's not a masterpiece but I really need a light reading to help me manage my PMS. It was fun and light as expected and not deep, as it is a children's book.
The characters act like teenagers even though they are adults. Specially the main character seems pretty immature on her relationship with her parents (and even life). It seems like she is always expecting someone will fix things for her, at the same time she gets angry when her parents do it for her.