Me encantó el libro, ya que me ayudó a identificar varias cosas que ví durante mi formación como licenciada en Comunicación Social, eso sí leí la versión del libro que está en español solo que no la encontré aqui en Goodreads.
Es un excelente libro, toda historia tiene más de una versión y es interesante ver cómo el periodista J.J Benítez narra la historia de Lucifer, justo lo conversaba con mi mamá para que exista el mal algo habrá hecho el bien, Lucifer no era malo como todo el mundo lo pinta solo que quiso pasar por encima de Dios y gobernar pero no se le dió, sin embargo el también fue un angel que perteneció al reino en su momento.
I just loved this part of the History, wasnt easy at all, and it's not done yet I died to find out what else is about to come, is incredible how close are Eira and Noelle now and considering where they begin.
Also how the fact of how she manage her relations with the morphis and Deneya, oh my godness shes not the same girl of the first book though she has grown a lot. Im also waiting to see how she and Cullen moved from here.
It was an excellent mix betweeen his first years as a journalist and the political situation of United States by that time, it keep me reading day by day.
Vhalla is changing day by day Im excited to keep reading about her and Aldrik´s story.
Vhalla tuvo que pasar por muchas situaciones en el primer libro, descubriendo sus poderes... Ansió leer el resto de la saga.
Poor Vhalla I hate the way his relationship with Aldrik turns out as the book end, oh dear god also she lost another friend, from the innocent girl we met in book one there is no much left behind, she was not just send to war as a punishment but also lost faith in love during the process, lost her identity and through the course of the war is autonomy. it was a rough path for Vhalla to win their freedom, or at least what she taught being free once was.