
Graphic Novels



#1 of 12 in Watchmen

1987 • 1,305 Readers • 415 pages 4.4


30 Days of Night, Vol. 1

#1 of 13 in 30 Days of Night

1904 • 39 Readers • 352 pages 3.6


Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard, Vol. 1

#1 of 3 in Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard

2007 • 54 Readers • 189 pages 3.9


Cover 7

#Tie-in of 10 in Marvel Zombies (Collected Editions)

2007 • 5 Readers 4.3


The Walking Dead 1: Gute alte Zeit

#1 of 32 in The Walking Dead

2004 • 287 Readers • 156 pages 4


Cover 7

#1 of 3 in Batman by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale

1997 • 4 Readers 5


Conan, Vol. 2: The God in the Bowl and Other Stories

#2 of 7 in Conan: Dark Horse Collection

2005 • 5 Readers 3.3


The Walking Dead, Vol. 23: Whispers Into Screams

#23 of 32 in The Walking Dead

2015 • 26 Readers • 136 pages 4.2


The Walking Dead, Vol. 24: Life and Death

#24 of 32 in The Walking Dead

2015 • 25 Readers • 136 pages 4.1