I REALLY didn't like Vivi. But at the same time, I did. And Jonah irritated me, but he also intrigued me. Am I crazy? Crazy about this book :P
It was pretty good. Definitely my cup of tea. I wouldn't say I would read it again, because it's magic is kind of all in the first read. I dunno.
there isnt nearly enough character development in the supporting characters, however the main character has so much depth that it largely makes up for it. the struggle with anxiety and a loss of a friend, it all hit me very hard. this book is very quick to read, but incredibly intriguing and heartbreaking. the friendship between David and Pelly that grows to a romance is hilarious and cute, and i love how realistic David is. He's that guy that doesnt understand whats going on but “Hey i think youre cute and wanna make you feel better even though you have a lot of mental issues right now !!!!” but doesnt even know where to start. He says some wrong things, but so does Pelly, and i think together they grew as people in the few days they spent getting to know each other better. I also love that Pelly is shown as this vulnerable and anxiety-ridden girl, and eventually becomes strong and empowered when it comes to fighting for others. she found strength in her selflessness and i truly think thats beautiful. Oof. this whole book is beautiful. y'all should read it if you havent yet !!!
im really trying to like this story but it is way not my thing dawg. gonna read the second volume, maybe the third, and lets just hope i start to like it lol
My favorite one was Love Is The Last Resort. It was really cute. They were all pretty cute. Some of them made me feel like I was reading a sci-fi novel instead of a romantic short story... But that's okay because I dig sci-fi :P I enjoyed them all, and this was a good way, for me at least, to get a sense of some of these authors writing styles, as I've never read books by about 8 of these authors... Haha woops. But they were all really good, I think, minus Sick Pleasure. I kind of had to force myself to finish that story... I just couldn't get into it :/
I'm sorry fucking what @ the ending
There's 13 of the Pantheon??? Also Ananke you BITCH what the heck?? time for Vol. 3
I cried like 3 times annnddd wow what an emotional ride im :') it was sad and so good aaahhh
Not to be dramatic but HOLY SHIT. I saw a lot of disappointment surrounding this trilogy, that the first book is the best book and what not. but this book is SO GOOD. First five star of the year Woo Hoo. When I tell you Leigh Bardugo never misses, she NEVER misses. Love her pacing, love the realness of the characters, the way that even though characters are overwhelmed by duty or power or whatever else, they never lose the romance or the fear. The characters always have every aspect of themselves, and as someone who can never get a break from her own trauma or emotions, I appreciate that. Nevermind that bad ass scene, you know, that one at the end there >.> Never thought I'd get excited over something like that!!!
Ugh. I have so many thoughts. I love this book so much. And since its only midnight, I daresay it's a perfect time to read the third and final novel in this trilogy.
Kind of ew lol. Enjoyed it for a mindless read, but the Tropes are overdone. “The walking dead” is a term Emerson Watts uses to describe the otherwise known as ‘Cool Kids' and the cool kids? are extremely awful. Emerson is overly critical of cheerleaders and way too “Feminist” (she's not really, she's more for ‘women should wear sweatpants and stop wearing makeup' rather than ‘women should have a choice to be how they want') and her little sister Frida (an up and coming member of “The Walking Dead”) is way too critical of girls who wear sweats and play video games. Also, the straight up violations of bodily autonomy is wild. Nikki Whatever Her Name Is had no say in giving her body away to Emerson... I just can't get passed that. It's kind of gross :/ If Nikki was a “give my body to science” person i'd be chill with it but its never stated that she is, so I dunno. Anyway. Good book if you dont think too deeply about it and dont care that everyone is disrespectful of other people's values and passions. Ha.
The ending... Eh. Was okay. Overall this book is not good. Will probably finish the series anyway, just for the political side of things, though i think they could've ended the series here and it would've been fine.
What a wild ride. Super predictable and sad but honestly? Was totally worth it. I really enjoyed the relationships the main character has and her development as a whole. No one really felt 2-dimensional, though admittedly the majority of the novel is spent with Aysel and Roman, so not everyone gets a lot of development. As a whole, i think this book is really good, and I recommend to anyone looking for a sad read to lift your spirits. (That's a wild sentence but if you read it all in one go it will make you happy haha.)
Hot Diggity Dog. Had me on my TOES. I love Agatha Christie and wow has she blown me away yet again. I do believe this is her best selling mystery, but I'd never gotten around to it because. Well I just do whatever, really. But this was a bookclub pick and I just HAVE to say. What a wild, absolutely wild ending. There's two epilogues! What do you know. Had me anxious. Lots of dialogue, and subtle clues and references then I'm only just realizing seemed so peculiar because of how it ended. Woo! What a ride.
This had a secret society, mystery, a generally likeable main character, and a side romance that i thought was cute, and it satisfied the part of me that craves romance lol
Oh dip, dude. Everything came together!!! Not gonna lie, i really liked this quartet. Not usually my cup of tea, but I definitely recommend it.
OMG this was my first Stephen King book and WOW that was good. It kept me on my toes and I didn't want to put it down but me with my busy life because of school, cri. It was so good and just the right amount of deaths and story progression. WOW. Just, amazing.
Written insanely well. I can't wait to read the second and third! It was so amazing and everything happened at just the right moment! I definitely recommend this book to everyone!!
I certainly liked it, but towards the end, I got less and less interested. Not my type, you know?
Definitely not my kind of book, but I give it props for being one of the better contemporary drama novels I've read. It can be said that it really was just a story, as we didn't see much growth or character development until near the end, but it was a very quick and enjoyable read. If you've got a plane to catch, or a long bus ride, I would say this is the perfect book to keep you entertained. There was lots of irony and foreshadowing, and it was pretty meta that Traci's third novel was called ‘Copycat' and was essentially the same story as this one! I found that amusing.