March 14, 2016

I REALLY didn't like Vivi. But at the same time, I did. And Jonah irritated me, but he also intrigued me. Am I crazy? Crazy about this book :P
It was pretty good. Definitely my cup of tea. I wouldn't say I would read it again, because it's magic is kind of all in the first read. I dunno.

July 12, 2016
July 25, 2018

im really trying to like this story but it is way not my thing dawg. gonna read the second volume, maybe the third, and lets just hope i start to like it lol

August 31, 2020
June 30, 2016


April 20, 2021

I'm sorry fucking what @ the ending
There's 13 of the Pantheon??? Also Ananke you BITCH what the heck?? time for Vol. 3

January 17, 2020

I cried like 3 times annnddd wow what an emotional ride im :') it was sad and so good aaahhh

January 16, 2018
April 16, 2021
August 27, 2020


July 17, 2018

The ending... Eh. Was okay. Overall this book is not good. Will probably finish the series anyway, just for the political side of things, though i think they could've ended the series here and it would've been fine.

February 7, 2021


March 10, 2016
March 27, 2020
May 1, 2020

This had a secret society, mystery, a generally likeable main character, and a side romance that i thought was cute, and it satisfied the part of me that craves romance lol

January 21, 2021

Oh dip, dude. Everything came together!!! Not gonna lie, i really liked this quartet. Not usually my cup of tea, but I definitely recommend it.

June 1, 2020

Worst ending ever but also? How touching :')

June 6, 2019

OMG this was my first Stephen King book and WOW that was good. It kept me on my toes and I didn't want to put it down but me with my busy life because of school, cri. It was so good and just the right amount of deaths and story progression. WOW. Just, amazing.

May 23, 2016

Written insanely well. I can't wait to read the second and third! It was so amazing and everything happened at just the right moment! I definitely recommend this book to everyone!!

April 15, 2016


July 8, 2018

I certainly liked it, but towards the end, I got less and less interested. Not my type, you know?

August 5, 2019
June 2, 2020