It was boring and depressing?? Not my kind of book. Didnt like the ending, either.
This was a really enjoyable read. I like the relationship between Poe and Brig, how that sort of develops into a romance that isnt super heavy, It wouldn't be realistic for Poe to jump into a quick romance w/ Brig since she's still mourning Call and their romance, so i like how we really only see the start of their relationship. The story overall was pretty intriguing, too. Will say it felt like I was in the dark a lot for a lot of things, and the beginning was really slow lol, I got a little over 100 pages in and was kind of wondering when everything would happen. But once stuff started happening it was really cool to see the character's true colors and their loyalties shift, and too see their instinctual desire for self-preservation peek through. A lot of this universe is sort of unknown, and I like that, too, but I wish I knew more about all the other settlers and things like that. Doesnt take away from the book, though.
Really really liked it. Wish I could give it 5 stars, but I was just so unsatisfied with who the murder was! I guess, yeah, it makes sense. I guess, yeah, the way the character is, they WOULD act that way. but i still am so
A little predictable and Too-Good-To-Be-True ish but it was a good read(: I really enjoyed the duology, and honestly that ending was really satisfying to me haha.
Not my thing, slow and boring. Didn't feel like there was any real plot. Maybe I missed a bunch, dunno.
A little slow at first, but towards the end, wOO so good. I had to struggle through the first half, but then at some point I couldn't put it down! It was so good.
Update: I read it again. Boy is this book HEAVY. I enjoy it.
Trigger Warning, like, Big Time for this book. Self-harm is described pretty vividly in places, and so is Alcohol and drugs. Ack. Had a hard time getting through this book, it was just so Dark.
the ending was??? wtf?????
i hate this book but OMG IT'S SO GOOD I LOVE MARISSA MEYER She makes me so happy I can't wait for Arch Enemies :')
but srsly though can adrian and nova make out now OMFG, AAAAAHHHHH this book is great great great great aaaahhhhhh
actual review: An amazing book. I love the world and characters. Especially the way the characters are written, you think you like them, but then maybe they're also bad? But they're like kinda good. I guess one could say “Morally Ambiguous.” Except they're not? It's difficult for me to explain. It's just really fantastic, and has lots of little things you dont expect. I especially love the switch in perspectives. I feel Meyer did it at the most perfect moments, which both frustrated me and gave me a deep appreciation for this book. It's so good!!
I finally got around to reading this classic novel!! I had to read it for school, that's why it took so long. It was really great. I almost cried because it was really beautiful. I have never felt this way about a book, like it wasn't just good, it was heartfelt and old so it smelled good and was written different from what I'm used to, like back-in-the-60's style. I love, love, loved To Kill a Mockingbird and I'm so happy. It really was great.