664 Books
See all3.5 stars This is the kind of novel I have to constantly remind myself to take my time reading; that reading a book is not a race. I initially had no plan of ever picking up this novel, but then I saw there was a movie adaptation with Saoirse Ronan, and decided I had to read the book before seeing it. I actually really liked this book. The writing is beautiful, the story is intriguing. I love the peaceful and quiet sort of storytelling (is that even a thing? Hopefully y'all get what I mean).I had a problem with Edward's attitude though (I get that it's set in the 60's, but that's not an excuse), calling Florence dishonest because she doesn't need, like or want sex, and him accusing her of not really loving him and being incapable of love “as a man and a woman should”. He called her frigid and a fraud, acted as if he were a saint for putting up with her “prude manners” and as if because they were now married, she owed him a freaking orgasm.That being said, I was really pleased with the ending.
4.5 stars This was great! I can't wait to see the TV show adaptation they make. Ricky Whittle is going to make a fine Shadow! :D
This is a wonderful story of an unusual friendship. I highly recommend it. I feel like I'm lacking the words to describe how beautiful and important this novel is. I can't wait to read the next ones in the series.