82 Books
See allIf you compare this book with 1984 by George Orwell you will be disappointed. But it's a great book.
The author writes very clearly and the book is ok in explaining some techniques about memorisation. But I thought that would be a lot more techniques to practice and the book get lost explaining the life of some well known people who was already subject of study in other books.
It's an ok book. I would recommend.
The book is ok. Do not give much detail of how to create the habit.
But some takeaways are ok. The author talks about the initial phase when you are trying to create the habit you need to do what he calls loading phase
where you need to use all your willpower to stick to the habit.
Overal the book is ok.
This was one of the most important books that I read in my entire life. It changed me in so many ways that is indescribable.
Full of knowledge on how to live well, in peace with your mind and soul. How to be good (in a sense of justice). How to not fall into the traps of your own mind. How to be polite, to live in the present, to not be hunted by the past or worried about the future.
How to connect with nature and other people. How to be honorable and respectful.
The stoicism has a lot to teach, especially in this world we live where people tend to give more meaning to things that one should.
It took me almost a year to read this. (Actually listen to). Because every letter Seneca writes to Epicurius is so full of wisdom that you need time to digest.
Excellent book. Actually it gives you new thoughts about how we learn, the not so importance in have the same space to study. How to change space, time and hours of study can help you learn better. The importance of sleep. And other miths about learning.