


Pandora's Star

#1 of 2 in Commonwealth Saga

2004 • 448 Readers • 1,156 pages 4


Judas Unchained

#2 of 2 in Commonwealth Saga

2005 • 199 Readers • 827 pages 4.2


The Dreaming Void

#1 of 3 in Void

2007 • 153 Readers • 607 pages 4


The Temporal Void

#2 of 3 in Void

2008 • 83 Readers • 713 pages 4.1


The Evolutionary Void

#3 of 3 in Void

2009 • 14 Readers • 753 pages 3.9


The Abyss Beyond Dreams

#1 of 2 in Commonwealth: Chronicle of the Fallers

2014 • 73 Readers • 640 pages 3.9