A forty-something autodidact bookworm and writer. Occasional blogger and photographer. Mother, gardener, foodie, and owned by three cats. Aquarius and ENFP.
7,752 Books
See allMr. Salatin has some excellent ideas for raising cows that doesn't involve acres of corn and liquid manure, which is not very sustainable in the long run, but his method works as he's been in business for thirty years, with increasing growth, carefully managed.I first met Mr. Salatin through Michael Pollan's [b:The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals 3109 The Omnivore's Dilemma A Natural History of Four Meals Michael Pollan https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1393804353l/3109.SY75.jpg 3287769], and as I was looking for a low-cost option to start raising my own food and possibly food for other people, I looked into this book. I have 106 highlights scattered throughout the book and a list of other books to look at.He is very libertarian and a touch contrarian, and his principles honed by years of experience with dealing with the government in all flavors from local to federal, but that doesn't negate the fact that with some paying attention to the world around you, and not buying expensive additives (I'm a gardener, and still learning and I've priced things for my plants that made my pocketbook wince) or getting expensive equipment right off the bat, you can make enough to raise a family while also keeping your livestock fed and cared for, in a clean environment. I was never interested in farming when I was younger, even though I come from farmers on both sides of the tree simply because, in my experience, farms were gross, especially chicken farms. Now I live near a dairy operation, and it gets ripe in the summer when they spray the fields with liquid manure. But Joel Salatin in his book spoke at length his techniques: frequent rotation through grazing fields, using chickens after the cows, and using bedding in the winter, keeping them in a hay shed, then using pigs each spring to till up the bedding & manure. Nothing's wasted. The chickens make eggs that are sold/used as marketing; the chickens are butchered and processed and sold, and the pigs become dinner once they're large enough. And of course, the cows are processed/sold as needed. And now, I've been in research mode, reading as much as I could on various methods like square foot gardening, Ruth Stout's no dig mulching technique and, of course, keeping livestock.I recommend the book if you're interested in reading alternative ways of farming, and can cope with a strong Christian libertarian bent to many of his words.
I've been jonesing for Gothics mixed with Regency England, and this seemed to be up my alley.
I enjoyed it but had some issues. Namely, they referred to the duke as Lord Brammel for an entire scene, and that's not quite how that works. I've read a lot of Regencies, so the incorrect usage of titles was jarring, but not enough for me to stop reading.
The design of the book was heavy on images, most of which could not expand to make them larger, as well as colors that did not translate well to an e-ink Kindle, making it hard to read. Read well on my Kindle app, though. Useful information, but it will be prone to becoming outdated (products no longer available or link rot).
Other than the design, it was useful to see the sizes of cans and how to make three different food stashes based on how long you need them: the 72 hour kit, the 90 day kit, and a year's worth. They also had tips on managing pet food storage, which I haven't seen in similar books.
It was a Kindle Unlimited book which I got via my subscription.