

Todd Tyrtle

Joined2 years ago

Former American living in Toronto for nearly 20 years. I like travel books (especially bicycle touring), self-improvement books, and memoir but read about anything - even some literature in Hindi.





Todd Tyrtle's Books by Status

460 Books

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Poonachi: Or The story of a black goat
I Am Legend
Things Fall Apart
The Woman in the Window

Todd Tyrtle's Most Popular Reviews

Beautifully written and really captures the feeling of living within a dysfunctional family - albeit in the author's case, an extreme example. The feeling of choosing between having a family and having sanity is illustrated well.

January 9, 2019
March 5, 2016

Interesting book with a number of inspiring ideas. The only downside is I get inspired for a bit then forget to apply them. Going to try a few of them again...

December 3, 2016

Well written and compelling story. Though it was written in 1949, there is little to give that fact away.


Very trippy book. Had to finish it in a single sitting and left me in something of an altered state for a few hours afterwards. Highly recommended
