

Any editions of books you've marked as 'owned' will show up in this list.

Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles

2007 • 2 Readers 4

A Head Full of Ghosts

A Head Full of Ghosts
ByPaul Tremblay

2015 • 348 Readers • 352 pages 3.9

American Gods

American Gods
ByNeil Gaiman

2001 • 2,232 Readers • 558 pages 4

Atlas Shrugged

Atlas Shrugged
ByAyn Rand

30 • 591 Readers • 946 pages 3.1


ByCraig Thompson

2003 • 298 Readers • 15 pages 4

Breakout nations

Breakout nations
ByRuchir Sharma

2 Readers 2

Casino Royale

Casino Royale
ByIan Fleming

1953 • 218 Readers • 144 pages 3.6


ByJoseph Heller

1961 • 1,365 Readers • 466 pages 4

Dreams in a Time of War

Dreams in a Time of War
ByNgũgĩ wa Thiong'o

2005 • 3 Readers • 256 pages

Fairy Tale

Fairy Tale
ByStephen King

2022 • 808 Readers • 608 pages 4

Garlic Ballads

2006 • 1 Reader 3


ByCraig Thompson

2011 • 117 Readers • 674 pages 4.2

I, Lucifer

I, Lucifer
ByGlen Duncan

2002 • 19 Readers • 272 pages 2.4


ByOwen Martell

2013 • 1 Reader • 192 pages 4


ByPatrick Neate

2009 • 1 Reader • 407 pages 5


ByStephen King,José Óscar Hernández Sendín(translator)

2011 • 272 Readers • 283 pages 3.9

Kafka on the Shore

Kafka on the Shore
ByHaruki Murakami,Philip Gabriel(Translator)

2001 • 1,139 Readers • 468 pages 3.9

Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls

2013 • 180 Readers • 275 pages 3.7

Letter from America

Letter from America
ByAlistair Cooke

2 Readers

Live and Let Die

Live and Let Die
ByIan Fleming

1954 • 95 Readers • 196 pages 3.3

Musungu Jim and the Great Chief Tuluko

2000 • 2 Readers • 366 pages 5

Norwegian Wood

Norwegian Wood
ByHaruki Murakami,Jay Rubin

1987 • 1,178 Readers • 389 pages 3.9

Running with the Kenyans

Running with the Kenyans
ByAdharanand Finn

2012 • 10 Readers • 320 pages 3.3

Sputnik Sweetheart

Sputnik Sweetheart
ByHaruki Murakami,Philip Gabriel(Translator)

1999 • 286 Readers • 210 pages 3.8

Sunset Park

Sunset Park
ByPaul Auster

2010 • 28 Readers • 309 pages 3.3

Telegraph Avenue

Telegraph Avenue
ByMichael Chabon

2012 • 1 Reader • 468 pages 4

The Colour of Magic

The Colour of Magic
ByTerry Pratchett

1983 • 1,284 Readers • 292 pages 3.7

The Honey Guide

The Honey Guide
ByRichard Crompton

2013 • 1 Reader • 309 pages 2

The Olivetti Chronicles

2008 • 2 Readers • 400 pages

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride
ByWilliam Goldman

1973 • 1,131 Readers • 465 pages 4.2

The Silver Bone

The Silver Bone
ByAndrey Kurkov

2020 • 2 Readers • 283 pages 3.5

The State of Africa: A History of the Continent Since Independence

2005 • 8 Readers • 784 pages 4

The Teleportation Accident

2012 • 29 Readers • 272 pages 3

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

1983 • 83 Readers • 197 pages 4.5

Twelve Bar Blues

Twelve Bar Blues
ByPatrick Neate

2001 • 2 Readers • 416 pages 2

Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

2012 • 198 Readers • 529 pages 3.6