

Phillip Torbert

Joined9 months ago




Phillip Torbert's Books by Status

188 Books

See all
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Educated: A Memoir
One Summer: America, 1927
The Pilgrimage
Pity the Reader: On Writing with Style
That Hideous Strength
The Best American Travel Writing 2016

Phillip Torbert's Most Popular Reviews

Calling all anglophiles...read the opening chapter about how the distance Americans drive for a taco represents a journey of enormous undertaking for most English countryside folk.

January 1, 2004

Engrossing story about the real ship Essex on which Moby Dick was based. Incredibly researched and well-written.

January 1, 2004

Read this on my Bryson kick...not his best, but an entertaining and mildly informative if not blatantly nostalgic read about small-town, mostly midwestern, America.

January 1, 2003

Another Discovery-Channel-in-a-book from Bryson. Fascinating tome of how American English has become the way it is today.

January 1, 2003