78 Books
See all7/5 because this was better than perfect
I cannot believe how good this book is. I'm not joking when I say 7/5 because it was so unbelievable. The only other book it compares to is Empire of Storms and honestly they're both probably equal for me. This might be my new favorite book, and def is a new fav series for me
I should've known the meeting with the blood crown wasn't going to go well, but DAMN I was shocked by what happened.
As soon as it was said that Nyktos had 2 sons, I knew Malec wasn't Poppy's dad, but I'm glad it was confirmed.
I love how characterized all of the different characters are. You can tell each of them are their own person with their own traits. I love how defining it is of their personalities. Very good characters.
❤️the writing style took me a couple chapters to really get into, but after I got used to it I was hooked
❤️I greatly dislike how everyone treats Poppy as an object rather than a person. It makes me not feel as bad for those who did die even though they were still her friends (bc even though they cared for her, they still thought of her as a thing)
❤️immediately bought the next book as soon as I finished :)
if you like rom coms, you'll absolutely love this book.
For a rom com- it's a 5/5. For me, it's a 3/5.
It is a super cute and funny book! And it is a quick read! I split between reading and listening to it, and I finished it in a couple days.
But other than that- it's pretty predictable in the plot, and it has a third act breakup (which most rom coms have, and I hate third act breakups), so personally, for me, it's a 3/5. If you love rom coms, you'll absolutely love this book.
❤️So right off the bat, I didn't think I would like this book at all. I HATE fantasy, so I put this book off for literal years because I assumed I wouldn't like it...So anyways this is my new favorite book! And I almost started reading the next book as soon as I finished but alas, it was 2 am on a weeknight.
❤️Overall I really enjoyed the story. About three quarters of the way through the pacing felt like it slowed down for a little bit- I think it kind of dragged for about 50 pages but it wasn't that bad! It was easy to push through and finish, especially because the rest of the book is paced really well.
❤️The story never felt overly predictable (for me at least!). I kept making guesses (genuine guesses!) while reading and I'm pretty sure all of them were wrong!