Oh my, that was such a wonderful and emotional journey! I loved this series and inhaled every book, haha!!
This was a great book to read and I read it very quickly, however my brain doesn't understand the timeline at allllll (time travel). Lol. Someone help.
Great book, and like I expected, hard to read because it reveals a lot within your own heart. With the purpose to be to bring you back to your one true love: God, I am grateful I read this book and pray that I truly would love God above all things in my life, even the good things.
I don't live this duology as much as the original trilogy, but it was fun to go back to Elfhame! I felt like a lot happened yet not a lot happened. I am eager for the next Folk of the Air book (which seems to be happening)!
I enjoy Holly's writing!
So beautifully written! Took me a little to get into it but that usually happens with new worlds. Once I was in though I was IN! Loved this book and Rebecca's writing! I liked A Fire Endless even more.
I honestly don't really like Nesta that much, even with her growth... I really felt like it was so unnecessarily (and cringe-y) smutty and I felt like there was SO many questions left unanswered.
All this aside I still love the world they're in and I still devoured this book.
The pacing was so odd toward the end where all the action was, it's like she ran out of time or put way too much effort on parts that I found NOT necessary at all, yet didn't devote enough time to the last 100 pages which was so intense and needed way more detail. Anyway, can't wait for the next book! I am totally sucked into the Maasverse and Romantasy as a genre. Even if I think the writing could honestly be way better, I don't discredit how addictive it is lol.
I love James McBride's writing style. Every word is intentional and although not that easy to skim, it really forces you to slow down and take in every word. He's gifted in how he makes such FUN, memorable, and quirky characters. This was a unique read that I found delightful, especially the ant subplot.
This book is overhyped and I hated that there were no quotation marks. It was the same thing over and over again. Honestly couldn't wait to skim through this one.
It was decent. I honestly learned a few things but found it very dry. As a professional planner I truly appreciate the thoughtfulness that goes into a gathering, but also think some gatherings don't need to be overthought. Basically, gathering should go well if you're a great human who actually cares about people...
It did feel overwritten, very not an exciting read despite this being my job, but I finished it nonetheless!
We love an easy breezy romance novel, and I loved the characters! Emily is so good at writing banter and is witty. Fun to read!
I'm not the target audience probably for this book. There were a few theological things that she believes that I don't necessarily align with. By the grace of God I haven't lost faith in God, but my faith has definitely ebbed and flowed and so if you are someone who is deconstructing or looking for Jesus but don't feel like you belong in a church, I think this book would be a balm to your soul. If it draws you nearer to Christ, know that he is always with you, and that everything is super complex. Chapters 7 and 11 stood out the most to me.