This was my first poetry book that I've read in a while but I really enjoyed it. I love poetry books that have little doodles throughout it also, they really add to it. I really felt seen while reading this because I really did relate to a lot of them, which isn't a bad thing. I like relating to the books I read... sometimes. This time, I did enjoy it a lot.
3.5 stars
wow. this book was a rollercoaster of emotions. definitely check trigger warnings before reading.
honestly, i really loved maria and gabriel's story a lot more than i liked alex and luci's.
i loved how they both immediately were attracted to each other but maria didn't want to admit it. i connected with maria a bit on a few different things, the bad past with family as well as just how busy she was (i was BUSY in HS), so i loved seeing her finally find someone who loved her for her and how busy she was AND her past.
they both truly loved each other and it was beautiful to see how much gabriel wanted to work for her love and trust. i also LOVED gabriel's grandpa sooo much, he was so funny. i loved the scenes with him and june. absolutely adorable.
i loved gabriel being described as looking like ryan reynolds because .. who's going to complain about that?! and he owns a bakery?!
overall i LOVED this!
i think it was super cute. i loved alex and how much he loved luci. (plus a teacher!! come on!!)
i didn't like how ‘dumb' luci was with sebastian like ugh .. he was such a fuckboy ..
i loved it nonetheless!!
this book really solidified my love for this series! it was really good and it really showed how much they all really do care for each other. i have my issues with parts of it... buuut i might be able to come around.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a quick and easy read. It always kept me wanting to know more and more. I'd recommend if you're in a reading slump and/or like mystery and thrillers!
4.5 ⭐️
you guysss... i went into this as blind as i could & i ate it up!!!! which isn't surprising, that's how i was with every single book in this series. but this one??? eden, clay & jade really warmed my heart & made me so so happy. they all grew so much in this book, it was insane! i'm going to keep this short & sweet because i don't wanna spoil ANYTHING. i definitely recommend going in blind (except checking trigger/content warnings)! the ending is so bittersweet but this series holds an extremely special place in my heart & always will!
This was such a roller coaster of emotions. I absolutely loved Vi and Declan but Tuck stole the entire show. I loved him so much. Kids in books are usually a hit or miss for me but Tuck? He was absolutely amazing. I think I cried for the last like 100 pages? Like I said.. roller coaster. But so good. If you haven't read it, I definitely recommend. Check the tw's and read the first book in series before!
Okay, WOW. This book was an entire TRIP. An amazing one at that. I am not usually a love triangle kind of girl but this one had me just wanting more and more. There were some twists that had my jaw to the floor surprised. I cannot wait to read the next one in the series.
I can't wait to read literally anything Katelyn Taylor writes because I ate this up so quickly. All of the characters were so loved by me, even Trevor. He redeemed himself for me. But Sebastian's dirty mouth? Yeah, that was really nice.
WOW. i read this in one sitting, i literally devoured it!!!! if you like love triangles with brothers but make it a dark mafia romance? you'll love this. i loved it & i'm not usually a love triangle kind of girl! i do have my favorite brother of course... LEO
i didn't expect such a short book to make me cry at the end but... well, it did! i loved ward and tara so much!!! also tilly was so funny!!! for being so short, it had so much plot, i was impressed! it had me completely obsessed with them to the point that i would read an entire series just on their life together!! it definitely was a very quick read and put me in the fall mood! it's a cozy paranormal romance with witchy vibes, a funny aunt, and a hot, grumpy neighbor... what more do you need?!
I had such a fun time reading The Home-Wrecker! I loved the dynamic between the 3 of them and the growth it took for them to get to the point they were at the end. Dean has such a hard exterior so it was fun seeing the soft sides come out, especially when he needed it most. And it shows that sometimes the past really is that... the past. I can't wait for the next book in the series so I can devour that one as well!
but you guys!!! this fucking book!!! savannah and tyler had me in a serious chokehold! i absolutely loved every second of it, i could barely put it down! if you haven't read book one yet, definitely do that! it's against the clock! both are masterpieces & will have you hooked so quick. also... the spice?
Merged review:
but you guys!!! this fucking book!!! savannah and tyler had me in a serious chokehold! i absolutely loved every second of it, i could barely put it down! if you haven't read book one yet, definitely do that! it's against the clock! both are masterpieces & will have you hooked so quick. also... the spice?
ahhh! i had such a good time with this! i read it in nearly one sitting also!! i love a good ex bf's dad trope
I was a little nervous going into this book because it sounded so good but it takes a little bit for me to get into a fantasy book but y'all... this had me HOOKED. I absolutely loved it. The Winter King..? So hot and mysterious. There's so much that I want to know and I can't wait for the next in the series. (I need it like ASAP.) It was a slow-medium pace throughout the beginning and sped up towards the middle/end and I loved it. I truly love how you can tell he genuinely cares for her whether she believes it or not. Ugh. I seriously love him so much. Spring of 2023... please hurry.
omg this was so cute!! i loved PG and Momo so much! i loved getting to know PG's past a little bit and learning that she really is a big softy! i love how she cares about Momo!! i really hope this will become a series and they're will be more!!
I absolutely loved this book. it was a good first book to a series. I loved that you got to take more of a look into both Lo's and Lilly's addictions. I also really like that it wasn't romanticizing addiction. I love Lo and I think he's a sweetheart. The plot twist at the end with Ryke I kind of saw coming but still was shocked. The ending was absolutely beautiful and made me cry at least five times. I started the book not really liking Rose but ended the book kind of loving her. she's such a good sister to Lilly!
honestly I think everyone should give this series a try.
I don't even know where to begin right now. I absolutely loved this book, it had me sucked in so quickly that I read the first half one night and finished it off and on throughout work the next day.
It was a beautiful childhood friends to strangers to lovers read, with the slight grumpy sunshine thrown in there.
I loved the friendship between Lee and Jax so much, he reminded me of an old friend in some ways.
I love Chase and I really do feel for him with everything he had gone through in life. He really does deserve a whole lot better than what was given him in the beginning. Lindsay really f*cked with him and his life for a little bit which made me horribly angry while reading.
I kind of called the Becca situation at the end, but it felt really nice to be right.
I recommend this book if you like reading a book that shows raw addiction and how it effects loved ones, childhood friends to lovers, childhood friendship growing, friend soul mates, secrets and drama.
I can't wait to read the rest in the series.
i looove natasha preston's books so much, but sometimes the endings piss me off so much. this one? it was one of those. WHAT WAS THAT ENDING? IS THERE GOING TO BE MORE...?
I honestly really enjoyed this. It was a very spicy, very quick read. It also had like a lot of plot besides the spice also? Like I would LOVE a full length romance novel about them to see them more! I think that would be fantastic!!
I definitely recommend!!
Okay... Despite the amount of times I wanted to grab Kate and just yell at her “JUST LET GO AND HAVE FUN CMON!!!!” I still absolutely loved this. It's a novella so it was obviously pretty quickly paced. I loved Lorenzo so much. He's so cocky but like... it sounds like he has a reason to be.. It does end on a cliffhanger and I'm soooo excited to read the next one!
If you like a grumpy mc, cocky mmc, Christmas, smut, using Christmas lights for.. you know, or even a mmc that is a bit mysterious.. definitely pick this one up!!!
I was a little nervous going into this book because it sounded so good but it takes a little bit for me to get into a fantasy book but y'all... this had me HOOKED. I absolutely loved it. The Winter King..? So hot and mysterious. There's so much that I want to know and I can't wait for the next in the series. (I need it like ASAP.) It was a slow-medium pace throughout the beginning and sped up towards the middle/end and I loved it. I truly love how you can tell he genuinely cares for her whether she believes it or not. Ugh. I seriously love him so much. Spring of 2023... please hurry.
i'm mad it took me this long to read this book. i ATE. IT. UP. it was so damm good. hawke has my heart FOREVER. it easily became my favorite dark romance book.
4.5 ⭐️
okay. i don't usually write or post reviews right after finishing a book but for this one? i need to. i absolutely loved this book. i was NOT expecting the ending & it has had be crying my eyes out for the last 30-45 minutes now. eyes puffy, ugly crying. it was SO sad. LOOK UP TW. PLEASE. but it ended so beautifully. if you're looking for a sad (but also happy & cute) read, read this. but again.... TW. look them up.
First and foremost, I want to thank the author and Peachy Keenas for the ARC of this book!
okay... I usually HATE cliffhangers but... WOW this one has had me thinking for days now. the pure tension had me soooo hooked. I also am a huge sucker for anything that's Why Choose so... it just makes sense!! with each and every twist and turn i was hooked even further into it and could not put it down until it was explained!
This was my first book by Elizabeth Dear and definitely won't be my last!!!
Now I think I speak for soooo many... Can we get book 2 now?!?!?!?