283 Books
See allAlthough this book is really physics-inspired (just look at the name), it is not actually intended for physicists, and more for the general public (which is good! Just not expected). Let me explain:
I just finished my B.A. in physics, and although I'm in no means an expert, I do have certain knowledge in the field. This caused an unexpected problem for me.
The physicists in the book (except Ye Wenji maybe) aren't believable. They lack basic knowledge that all physicists have, or understand the situation far slower than expected.
For example, let's look at the 3body game. As a non-expert with limited knowledge, I was able to understand the mechanics of the game within the first chapter of it. For Wang, en expert with years more of experience it took 3 another several chapters.
Of course, this is not a problem for most people (I guess), since most people didn't a whole course named “Chaos Theory” last semester. Therefore of course the reader would have to introduce those concepts at a slower pace.
But it is a problem for the people who did, and so we get to my earlier statement:
This is a great physics-inspired sci fi book for the general public. But if you have physics knowledge, don't expect to be surprised too much.
Read it right after finishing Fitz And Fool, and the contrast is incredible.
This is a great book, but it does not allow itself to ever become really scary.
I never really worried about any of the characters, because Sanderson never let them become hurt of anything. Events that would have scarred people for life are brushed off as no more than inconvenience.
This book is a great example of what makes Sanderson so good: the hard magic system, and his amazing ability to always leave me surprised although I already had all of the knowledge to solve the problem myself.
But it is also an example of his shortcomings. The book is easy and fun and interesting which means that nothing actually has any emotional weight.
This did not age well. Not a bad book, but it was better if I was a bit more racist and a lot more sexist.