Jaye Pratt

Jaye Pratt

Jaye Pratt has written at least 7 books. Their most popular book is G.O.D.S: Gifted. Obedient. Deadly. Students. with 2 saves with an average rating of -⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genre Fantasy.


0 released books

Authored 100% of series


G.O.D.S is a 0-book series with contributions by Jaye Pratt.


1 primary book

Authored 75% of series

Knox Academy Trilogy

Knox Academy Trilogy is a 1-book series first released in 2021 with contributions by Crystal North, Jaye Cox, and Jaye Pratt.


1 primary book

Authored 33% of series

New Hope World

New Hope World is a 1-book series first released in 2022 with contributions by Amber Davis and Jaye Pratt.

Arden and the Girl Downstairs