K.M. Ashman

K.M. Ashman

K.M. Ashman has written at least 5 books. Their most popular book is Templar Steel with 15 saves with an average rating of 4⭐.


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series

The Blood of Kings

The Blood of Kings is a 1-book series first released in 2017 with contributions by K.M. Ashman.

The Warrior Princess


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series

The India Summers Mysteries

The India Summers Mysteries is a 1-book series first released in 2011 with contributions by K.M. Ashman.


1 primary book2 released books

Authored 9% of series

The Brotherhood

The Brotherhood is a 2-book series with 1 primary work first released in 2018 with contributions by Merry Farmer and K.M. Ashman.