Patrick Kindlon

Patrick Kindlon

Patrick Kindlon has written at least 5 books. Their most popular book is We Can Never Go Home with 4 saves with an average rating of 4⭐.


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series

Image! 30th Anthology

Image! 30th Anthology is a 1-book series first released in 2022 with contributions by Geoff Johns, Wyatt Kennedy, and 5 others.


0 released books

Authored 100% of series

Image! 30th Anthology

Image! 30th Anthology is a 0-book series with contributions by Geoff Johns, Brenden Fletcher, and 3 others.


0 released books

Authored 100% of series

Image! 30th Anthology

Image! 30th Anthology is a 0-book series with contributions by Geoff Johns, John Arcudi, and 5 others.


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series

Patience! Conviction! Revenge!

Patience! Conviction! Revenge! is a 0-book series first released in 2019 with contributions by Patrick Kindlon.


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series

There's Nothing There

There's Nothing There is a 0-book series first released in 2017 with contributions by Patrick Kindlon.


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series

Twelve Reasons To Die

Twelve Reasons To Die is a 0-book series first released in 2016 with contributions by Ghostface Killah, Matthew Rosenberg, and 2 others.


1 released book

Authored 100% of series

We Can Never Go Home

We Can Never Go Home is a 1-book series first released in 2015 with contributions by Matthew Rosenberg and Patrick Kindlon.

We Can Never Go Home