Ron Dakron

Ron Dakron

Ron Dakron has written at least 3 books. Their most popular book is Mantids with 1 save with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Ron Dakron is the author of four novels and three poetry collections, and is published by Black Heron Press. His work runs the gamut from surrealism to sci-fi pastiche. Publishers Weekly deemed him “a writer with a fine ear and plenty of gusto.” Kirkus Reviews called his work “cartilaginous prose, soft as fishbone, sense-bending and scattershot as a Robin Williams shtick.” Point No Point magazine tagged his novels as “a cross between jive bullshit, hip-hop Henny Youngman, and full-tilt Rimbaudian street-smartass sublimity.” Raven Chronicles judged him “as sinister as a thirteen-year-old with a lighter and a keg of butane.”