Thomas Greanias

Thomas Greanias

Thomas Greanias has written at least 11 books. Their most popular book is Raising Atlantis with 6 saves with an average rating of 5⭐.


3 primary books4 released books

Authored 100% of series

Conrad Yeats Adventure

Conrad Yeats Adventure is a 4-book series with 3 primary works first released in 2004 with contributions by Thomas Greanias and Isabel Blanco González.

Raising Atlantis
La profecía de la Atlántida
The Atlantis Revelation
The Alignment: Ingress


1 primary book

Authored 100% of series

Dominium Dei

Dominium Dei is a 1-book series first released in 2012 with contributions by Thomas Greanias.

The Chiron Confession