Wendell Mayo

Wendell Mayo

Wendell Mayo has written at least 6 books. Their most popular book is Monsters: A Collection of Literary Sightings with 2 saves with an average rating of -⭐.

Author Bio

Wendell Mayo is a native of Corpus Christi, Texas. He is recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship and a Fulbright to Lithuania (Vilnius University). His story collection, *The Cucumber King of Kėdainiai*, is winner of the Subito Press Award for Innovative Fiction sponsored by the University of Colorado at Boulder, and was released in Fall 2013. He is author of three more collections: *Centaur of the North* (Arte Público Press), winner of the Aztlán Prize and sole finalist in the Associated Writing Programs Award Series in Short Fiction; *B. Horror and Other Stories* (Livingston Press); and a novel-in-stories, *In Lithuanian Wood* (White Pine Press), which appeared in Lithuanian translation as *Vilko Valanda* [Engl: Hour of the Wolf] with Mintis Press in Vilnius. Over one-hundred of his short stories have appeared widely in magazines and anthologies, including *Yale Review, Harvard Review, Manoa, Missouri Review, Prism International, Threepenny Review, Indiana Review*, and *Chicago Review*. He has also published on the work of James Joyce, John Cheever, Ingmar Bergman, Antanas Baranauskas, and others. His awards include a Master Fellowship from the Indiana Arts Commission; OAC Individual Artist Fellowship; the HarperCollins Fellowship; and resident writer appointments at the MacDowell, Djerassi Foundation, Yaddo, the Edward F. Albee Foundation, and Millay Colony for the Arts.