Average rating4
There may be slight spoilers ahead
This book started out very very promising, I had no idea what to expect, and when my Aunt said she loved it I really should read it, ok why not. The first chapter had humor, fighting siblings, very interesting gender reversal, all of which I was enjoying. Woman outnumber boys in this world, and when families do have them, they are kept apart and protected, then sold off like freaking stock. This is where the book starts to fall apart for me. I liked the gender reversal, but I felt it was extreme, why would I want to read about a fantasy world where people are as livestock?
I liked the Whistler family, Eldest Whistler had a strong sense of family, right and wrong, and they mostly kept themselves cool. So Jerin, one of four boys in the Whistler family, and the oldest boy, is to be married soon, or in his case, traded to another family so his eldest sisters can have a husband. Another aspect that was odd to me, and while I understood why, it still grossed me out. If there are only a few men for every 50-100 woman, then obviously sisters must share husbands. Right? Silly me. Anyways, speed up to Jerin falling in love with princesses, they go to the castle, where Jerin helps them solve a 6 year old crime, the princesses father was poisoned and their eldest sisters died in an explosion, Jerin gets kidnapped, Jerin gets saved, they all live happily ever after.
It wasnt a bad book, it was kind of like a typical romance, but if a woman would be expected to service 5-30 husbands. ::shudder::