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A Book of Discovery
The Discovery of New Worlds
This Country of Ours
The Swiss Family Robinson / Robinson Crusoe
Treasure Island / Gulliver's Travels
The Adventures of Pinocchio / The Story of King Arthur
The Jungle Book / The Wizard of Oz
Five Little Peppers / Alice in Wonderland
A Dog of Flanders / Tom Sawyer Abroad
Mandie and the Fiery Rescue
Mandie and the New York Secret
Mandie and the Midnight Journey
Mandie and the Silent Catacombs
Mandie and the Singing Chalet
Mandie And The Abandoned Mine
The Multiplying Menace Divides
What's Smaller Than a Pygmy Shrew?
God Loves Me More Than That
When God Created My Toes
Big Book of History
Time Traveler
On the Shores of the Great Sea
The Awakening of Europe
Leonardo da Vinci
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village
Old Greek Stories
Living Long Ago
The Encyclopedia of World History
Once Upon a Mastodon
Famous Men of the Middle Ages, Student Guide
Streams of History
Stories from Ancient Rome
Peeps at Many Lands
Famous Men of Rome
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