Average rating4
Top posted review by reader Emily May says it all really.
I would only add in summary: like it's 2 predecessors, close to 1000 pages of historical fiction focused on a town in England, with romance and thrills that Ken Follett knows how to deliver. Unlike the previous two very good outings, this one has a broader historical scope (going beyond England to involved major events across the backdrop of European conflict, royals, aristocrats, merchants, sailors, civil war, and Protestants vs. Catholics), but less depth (in terms of featuring characters who are not quite as engaging).
I highly recommend the first 2 novels to any fan of historical fiction and the era, and this one (with the above disclaimer/caveat.)
The weakest of the three, in my opinion. I missed being in Kingsbridge, and the atmosphere of the whole town and community there.
So weird that I've only realised now what a terrible writer Follett is. Pillars of the earth will always hold a special place in my heart but this was jarring. Short, stupid sentences. Everyone's plans and feeling are spelled out, nothing is left to the imagination, all subtext is immediately explained. He spins a good yarn but language-wise it's quite poor. Guess I've grown up a bit and started to read better books since PotE...