Average rating3.7
I like spiritual books! But this is boring and vague. I have failed as a follower of Oprah.
It would be easy to belittle this book, with its sixties feel and its you-can-do-it attitude and its mystical all-religions-are-one philosophy. It is easy to be cynical in the face of such idealism. Let's hope Tolle doesn't disappoint us later with tell-all revelations.
I found much to like in this book, if one can overlook its flaws. Tolle is just a person, not a prophet, for one. I'd like to take the good parts from this book, just like I take from Socrates, not as if he is Moses carrying the Ten Commandments.
And here is what I took away: Ego is killing our world. We must step back and look at the world from a bigger perspective. We must set aside our thoughts of taking everything we can get as what is due to us. We must live in the now, not in the anxiety-filled world of what has already happened or the fear-filled world of what might happen.
This book is very deep and thought provoking. Thought I could get through it quickly like most of the other books that I read or listen to. This one, however, brings forth a lot of topics and ways of thinking, or philosophies maybe, that need to be mulled over and pondered. I appreciate my initial listen of this book for giving me this insight. But this is a book filled with information that I want to review, probably several times. For this reason, I will be purchasing a digital copy so that I can read it on my Kindle and highlight the passages that strike me, or take notes where I have comparisons to make or other things to add.
I had attempted to read “A New Earth” when it was first published in 2006. I remember it feeling heavy and like it was written in another language—I didn't really “get it.” Fast forward to this present moment and Eckart's words were a gateway to witnessing my journey of consciousness. What a wild life! I especially enjoyed the last few chapters where he spoke about contemplatives (like myself). I hope to continue to awaken along with the rest of the world.
This is a book I will read/listen to over and over again until I don't require outside reminders any longer and fully embody what I know to be true.