A New Orleans Voudou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau

A New Orleans Voudou Priestess

The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau

2006 • 294 pages


195 books

Kudzu Kingdom

All Over But the Shoutin'
The American Plague
Black Magic
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
Mountain Magick: Folk Wisdom from the Heart of Appalachia
Southern Lady Code: Essays
Tell My Horse


182 books


Crone's Book of Magical Words
The Crone's Book of Wisdom
Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold
The Spiral of Memory and Belonging: A Celtic Path of Soul and Kinship
The Mabinogion
Norse Mythology
Anathema!: Medieval Scribes and the History of Book Curses