Average rating3.9
This book is about three sisters that are cursed. They have to find a way to break the curse.
I liked this one . The characters are great, and I love a good curse story.
If you like middlegrade, you should read this.
There were many logical flaws that bugged the hell out of me.
2.5 for the ending because it got interesting.
сначала понравилось, потом показалась уж слишком детской, но потом поняла что это прекрасная современная сказка. причем с девочками в главных ролях. без дураков, в главных, мальчики или мужчины разве что помогают (если не мешают). ну и плюс -никаких школ магии для привелигированных, никаких наследств от родителей (кроме проклятия). очень жизненно, но в отличии от жизни, все в конце концов заканчивается хорошо
Contains spoilers
Apparently I'm an incredibly picky bitch about time travel. You learn something new about yourself every day... And I think I clashed with the writing style, or something, cause I struggled to want to pick this book up even before the time travel. I can't really figure out why though! I'll say I loved the characters and the pinches of magic. The curse was so very Practical Magic is a good way. I enjoyed the dual timelines, which is weird because I usually don't. I really should have loved this more because the girls were great and so unique. I want to know what the next adventure is, but whatever the ‘something' is that stopped me from breezing through the first book may get in the way. I hope not cause I do want to know what happens next!