A Prisoner of Stalin: The Chilling Story of a Luftwaffe Pilot Shot Down and Captured on the Eastern Front

A Prisoner of Stalin

The Chilling Story of a Luftwaffe Pilot Shot Down and Captured on the Eastern Front

128 pages


Average rating1


Poorly written (or/and translated),
huge part not about the war and extremely boring (e.g. where he went to school, but not as a personal story, just history book style, the uninteresting history of his family, of his village, of his native region and so on, and so on),
very little and superficial about the first weeks of being captured (prisoner immediatly behind the front),
almost zero about the rest of years (prisoner in Gulag, various work camps),
practically zero about other comrades, zero war (or local) context,
some parts obviously retrospectively thought (anti-Nazi, poor Russians such a nice people),
some laughably not believable (2 Germans hiding in a ditch, a Russian comes close enough to stand on one's hand for a while, does not notice them - come on, reader, imagine standing on someone irl, would you not feel a living being so close?!!),
zero feeling (so distant it seems written by AI),
extremely short - virtually they are captured in 1944, the end.
Not recommended at all; with all due respect to Leutnant Ehlert, this is a waste of time.
PS. Definetely not Chilling. Not much Story either.
Also (joke warning) Stalin from the title doesn't show up :)

January 9, 2024