Mostly reading dark worlds: dark/grimdark fantasy, cyberpunk, military & (nasty) 1st contact scifi, war/gulag memories - but with tough, survivor characters, fighting on for another (shitty) day...
218 Books
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62 booksNot necesarily grimdark or dark fantasy (some might be epic fantasy or military fantasy and so on), but with darker undertones, grey characters and serious, mature writing and story. No YA here, fu...
63 booksGood, complex scifi, but definitely not for beginners! Complex layering, or complex worlds, or complex stories, or complex moral dilemmas and so on... but captivating for the seasoned scifi-er!
22 booksAbout wars, as they were lived and seen by real participants
Very good writing and style, but also very lame story (the space devoted to a certain sea crit broke the book for me, and i really did not expect, or want, sea adventures)
Good book with some good Eastern Front combat, but the MC is too super smart, super lucky, super brave, super admired, superhero, to be 100% believable - definitely less than other ww2 German veterans memories. Also, a lot of the book in non-combat (him in Germany and Italy).
The military part (the battles) is very good, but the rest of the plot is 4th grade (elementary school) level simplistic, basic, black&white crap... I really felt my intelligence as a reader was very strongly underestimated and offended.
Pov from the perspective of a thief. I hate thieves, can never empathise with one, so I cannot read this.
Partea bună: Aaronovitch rămâne aproape la fel de amuzant, relația Grant-Nightingale-Toby-Molly la fel de simpatică, referințele la Londra sunt tot frecvente, dar nu atât de multe încât să mai fie deranjante. Apare un villain destul de interesant și un mister de grup care probabil vor fi lămurite în următoarele cărți, pe care, din aceste motive, le voi cumpăra.
Partea proastă: dacă prima carte era 50%policier și 50% mitic, aceasta este 80% policier, 0% mitic, 20% urban fantasy, iar acesta slab dezvoltat, doar pretext pt policier. Mie personal nu-mi plac nici policier, nici urban fantasy deloc, așa că nu a fost pe nișa mea. Dacă vă plac, go for it.
Partea și mai proastă: de la prima apariție a criminalului, m-am prins cine este. Și s-a confirmat, deci ca whodunit a eșuat la ce-i mai important. Situația e salvată, după cum spuneam, de faptul că în vănătoarea criminalului dă peste altcineva și mai rău.