A TIDE OF DREAMS: The Untold Backstory of Coaches Paul "Bear" Bryant, Carney Laslie and Frank Moseley


The Untold Backstory of Coaches Paul "Bear" Bryant, Carney Laslie and Frank Moseley

378 pages


Average rating5


I was asked to write a blurb for this book which will be published on Oct. 1, 2022:

“More than a book about football, A Tide of Dreams is a story of pride, perseverance, ambition, and, above all, loyalty. With meticulous research and a personal connection to one of the protagonists, Carey Henry Keefe has created a remarkable behind-the-scenes look at three men who led very public lives in the pressure-filled world of college sports. They were not supermen, and their careers were sometimes rocky, but Keefe shows us, flaws and all, their inspiring drive to succeed and their commitment to one another. This is a story not to be missed and is beautifully told by a fine writer.”

August 17, 2022Report this review