A User's Guide to the Millennium: Essays and Reviews

A User's Guide to the Millennium: Essays and Reviews

1996 • 304 pages


Average rating4


A collection of Ballard's reviews, articles and essays over a 30 year period from the sixties to the nineties, this is a book to dip into rather than read in one go.

Perceptive, honest and at time blackly humorous, Ballard shows here why he was one of the greatest post-war writers Britain produced. Hugely knowledgeable his writings range across a broad range of subject matter, from political figures, pop culture and science-fiction to history and snippets of autobiography. All of it is immensely readable and his wit and intelligence shines through.

This may be a good introduction to Ballard's world view for those that have not yet read him. And for those that have, this is a great reminder of his skill as a writer.

April 8, 2024Report this review