Average rating3.9
Very imaginative story. I look forward to the other two books in the series–bummer I have to wait such a long time!
I had to stop in the middle to read Insurgent, but all in all I enjoyed this book. I realized near the end that it was similar to the Fablehaven series in the “scavenger hunt” nature of the plot. It is a book targeted at a little younger audience than most of my recent “young adult” reads, but that is a nice change of pace sometimes. It's a bit more innocent. I liked the “other world” and “beyond” setting, had a slight Narnian quality to it in that way.
A World Without Heroes is more of a 3.5 book for me. The main idea for the story was quite interesting as well as the characters. But I wasn't entirely hooked by this book. I often felt like some scenes were made longer for no purpose at all and then, there was A LOT of action to make up for it. That's why there were times when I couldn't put the book down and others that I just couldn't care less about reading
It's a shame because both the idea for the story and the characters were very ingenious. Jason was a great main character and Maldor a believable villain. The side characters were also very interesting but sometimes the ongoing introduction of new characters made me feel a bit overwhelmed.
I did not like the ending AT ALL. It was something to expect from a character like Maldor but still felt too cruel. As I said, I'm not that invested in this book to jump right into the second book but I'll definitely finish the trilogy in the future.
Sepertinya seleraku mmg berubah seiring bertambahnya umur, krn skrg ak kurang cocok sm kategori middle grade. Pdhl byk yg suka karya2 Brandon Mull ataupun Rick Riordan, tp ak kok gk bisa menikmati ya wkwkwk. Ya sdh selera itu beda2. Udh terlanjur beli 3 buku, lanjutkan sj...
The creativity that Mull displays when creating this world and designing the characters that populate it is incredible. Even though it is clearly written for younger readers, the inventiveness makes it appealing for a reader of any age who enjoys the genre.
Age range: 10-16
Younger readers may not be able to handle the length. Older readers might find the characters too juvenile, but the world is interesting enough to potentially make it worth your while.