Average rating3
This was excellent! Full of emotional turmoil though, which kind of took me by surprise. I LOVE romances where the couple starts out in love, then something happens and they become bitter enemies, and the rest of the book is them going back and forth realizing that maybe they made a mistake. They are wasting all this time and energy hating each other, for all the wrong reasons, and when they finally talk about it, they realize that they can actually get along!
One of the scenes I really likes was when Aurelia enters Sodom, a club that she shouldn't be in, to play a card game, and Max is there of course. She wagers her virginity, because what would a romance novel be if the woman isn't chaste for the man who sleeps around with half of the ton? Anyways, all the men at the table wager their clothes, and she wins. He ends up with a hard on, and she just stares. It was funny, but so awkward, but I laughed at it, because why does she need to stare? There was also the scene where she pushed him into the river and there was an “innocent” bystander. There was some back and forth between Max and Aurelia that I thought was hilarious.
The chemistry between these two was off the charts, just in case you were wondering! Who knew an author could make dry humping sound sexy? Isn't that something that you do in HS before you know better? Looking forward to my next SJ book.
don't really like both character :(
he's just thinking of himself ..
although he knows that she's the sister of his best friend, he still touched her. he is overprotective to her and want her just for him, even though he's still like to sleep with other women .
he don't want to feel the pain of losing again after losing his family . and here .. i don't know he really that stupd or what, making her sad .. hurt ..and to her ...why you always love him , even knew he just that bastrd
it's make me sad seeing her like that ..
but yeah i don't really hate this book that much, because even if I hate it but still curious the ending of this story.