Average rating4.7
Because if I thought I was only going to read one +1000pg book at a time, I was just fooling myselforNotes to myself regarding reading a fanfiction for the first time for when I look for this again in a few yearsWhenever a conversation turns to fanfictions, I've always sided with it; because I think there's no way that a literary form that allows boundless creativity, not measured by any sort of intellectual property, can't be seen as art. I can't do much regarding my defense, though, since I have never read a fanfic. I mean, kind of...When I was a kid I liked fanfictions! I loved crossover stories of Goku and Sonic fighting side-by-side against communist Superman. But, and I think you can already see where I'm getting at, they were usually sloppy narratives written by semiliterate children who shared a lot of love for these characters but lacked the words and the creativity to capture them on text.I've been thinking on tackling a fanfiction it's been a really long while now, but I never felt that pang that made me go after any. Specially since I spent many years without reading anything at all, so when I got back to it around 2019, fanfictions did not cross my mind. I wanted to tackle actual publisher books, though... As with anything, I got bored of those rather quick. So after a while, I started looking for smaller authors and self-published books. Which I'm still at, not gonna lie.That's when, in January, Goodreads recommended a really high rated fanfiction. Now, I don't trust Goodreads' averages at all, but I had to agree that the way people were talking about it in their reviews caught my attention. Add the fact that I was really interested on selfpublished stories, I dived in. Sadly, it wasn't nearly as good as people made it out be - and I'm not even talking about the absurd amount of orthographic errors. The basis was cute but all the rest simply didn't work at all. The final blow was when I finally connected the dots and understood that it was a Dream fanfiction, so I just dropped it.A few months later, I stumbled upon a really nice book cover that I expected it to be anything but what it was: [b:It was the cover 56925511 All The Young Dudes - Volume One Years 1 - 4 (All The Young Dudes #1) MsKingBean89 https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1612255054l/56925511.SX50.jpg 89027146] for a first volume of this fanfic. I'm going to be truthful that what actually got my attention in the end, was Goodreads' mention of it having 1799 pages. This led me to search on it a bit, out of amusement. Found it interesting but just put it on my waitlist because as much as I liked the idea of trying to read a fanfiction again, I didn't want to waste my time trying to read something that might prove to be not good again. Also, this has like 500.000 words, so it's a big boy.Finally, in September, I put my mind to the task of reading a book that weights enough that it could be used as a bludgeon. I made my mind and started [b:Three Kingdoms 158770 Three Kingdoms (4-Volume Boxed Set) Luo Guanzhong https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1519909801l/158770.SY75.jpg 72711304], but I felt like I wouldn't mind tackling another book... and Three Kingdoms' text got me thinking about fanfictions again because it's really just a gigantic mostly-canon fanfic but y'all ain't ready to talk about that yet. Anyway, nobody could stop me now
Heart wrenching, screaming, crying, throwing up. One of the best books I've ever read. Idc if this is a fan fiction it's canon in my friendship circle. MissKingBean89 you have touched so many people's souls and ripped out their hearts in the best way <3
it was all tenderness and nostalgia, until it hurt and I remembered what the real pain was
feeling empty one of the best things i've read in a while i cried a lot it was so good the writing was amazing ill never forget this ever