Average rating3.8
This one hits so close to home. So very close. So many things I could identify with Quinn, we might as well be kindred spirits. I felt my soul crushed every time Quinn broke down, I cried along as she battled with her inner self, and I wept for that one single defect we both share.
To be so deeply affected by this book... I had no inkling that it will happen. But then, as the story progressed, I found myself wearing Quinn's shoes. And my heart breaks, over and over again. My heart breaks for Quinn, for Graham and for their marriage. Some situation, some monologues are so eerily similar to what I've been through, I had to stop and take a deep breath. The crying-in-the-shower, the withdrawal, the emotional roller coaster, the avoidance... it's so familiar, it hurts.
“Avoidance sounds like such a harmless word, but that one word can cause some severe damage to a relationship.”
And yet, avoidance is the only way we know to shield ourselves from the hurt we know will come.
Wat een mooi boek zeg! Heel erg mooi geschreven en ik vond de laatste paar hoofdstukken ook heel erg mooi. Het beschrijft een koppel wat al een aantal jaar is getrouwd en de “problemen” die je kan ondervinden en hoe ze daarmee omgaan.
Ik vond het erg leuk dat we tussen heden en verleden switchte.
If my past and my present had a baby, it would be this book. That might not make sense to anybody else, but it makes complete sense to me. As someone who endured the damages of infertility in her marriage (without a happy conclusion) and still lives with the emptiness of not being a mother, this book meant a lot to me. I have not read a novel that tackled this topic in a way that was gentle, heartbreaking, funny, and hopeful. Perhaps it seemed a tad far fetched but enough similar things happened in my life to make it utterly relatable. Thanks for this gem, Colleen Hoover!