Average rating3.3
Very quick read! I would've liked it better if I read it at a younger age. Being 21, which is the same age Arden wrote this at, made it seem like she was talking down to me. Which is not her fault, I'm just a little too old for this one!! Still super cute and helpful for younger teens !
3.5 stars.
The beginning was good but the last two to three chapters had given of a different tone than the previous chapters and I didn't like the shifted tone as much as the beginning. Don't get me wrong it is important to talk about grief and lost and handling emotions but the messages conveyed here where not as impactful and unique (in a sense of not as often portrayed/ seen in other books).
This book is amazing. I laughed and could definitely relate on many of the items she mentioned in this book. overall her sarcasm and humor was on point and made my day. so glad I picked this one up and definitely recommend this to anyone millenial/xennial female out there.