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And I Shall Have Some Peace There

And I Shall Have Some Peace There

Trading in the Fast Lane for My Own Dirt Road

2011 • 272 pages


Average rating3


If trying to read A Widow's Story: A Memoir over spring break was bad timing, the arrival of this book on the last weekend of spring break was good timing. Exactly what I needed. Just as Roach was seeking peace on her own dirt road after years of living in the fast lane, I was seeking the quiet peace of this book after reading the turbulance of A Widow's Story. Perfect.

I love memoirs of people who find a deeper life in quiet places. This is one. And, as a person who left my version of the fast lane (if teachers can be thought to have a fast lane) long ago, I loved reading of Roach's slow development of a love for her garden and country life.

(Aside: I found it strangely interesting to see that both Oates and Roach were helped along their paths to peace in their lives by gardening. And writing. Interesting.)

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book.

March 27, 2011Report this review