And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None

1939 • 116 pages


Average rating4.2

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March 6, 2022

Great book by Agatha Christie, although not my favorites of her works.

September 18, 2016
April 22, 2020

Didn't think I would be scared by an Agatha Christie novel, but here we are. Also I thought I was so smart and had figured it out, but I was totally wrong. Well played, Ms. Christie.

December 29, 2021

Took me awhile to get the hook but the ending made it worth it

May 4, 2023

I KNEW IT OMG :0 but also a really solid mystery! christie my girl you've done it again!!

October 1, 2023

I think I would survive on that island...

October 26, 2016

The OG of locked room mysteries. What's not to love? Even though I knew the story and culprit (unfortunately I saw a BBC adaptation of it a few years ago) I still have to marvel at the brilliance of Ms. Christie. Bravo.

November 8, 2022

best Agatha Christie book frfr

March 24, 2024

4.5/5 stars

July 26, 2017

I was actually terrified while reading this. This is better than any horror movie I have ever watched. If you want horror and actual fear then this is it. Had to take my time while reading this as I was too scared and had to put it down again and again and distract myself to go to sleep.

July 22, 2022
March 5, 2018
March 27, 2015

Overall, the book is a fast-paced page-turner. A fun Sunday read with some nice plot twists. Contemporary readers may find it too “talky” and not bloody enough, but that's part of the charm here.

December 14, 2008
July 18, 2023

i see why its a classic and is loved this is where the locked room thriller trope came from a good whodunnit. i found the first bit slow is why i am giving it a 4 but i overall did enjoy it!

May 6, 2023
July 30, 2017

I read this in high school and decided to give it a reread. It's such a unique murder mystery. Kind of gives “Clue” vibes. Anyway I loved it not too scary or suspenseful. I actually forgot the ending and my mind was so blown!

December 31, 2023

really fun

July 8, 2020
July 28, 2023
June 3, 2023

Despite the accidental spoiler, this was splendid.

August 27, 2015
April 29, 2023

First read this when I was in school. This is my re-read as an adult. I have a lot to say, but honestly don't feel like typing it all out. I will say that knowing the shock ending ahead of time made the cons stick out more than the pros.


An amazing and intriguing novel from beginning to end. The way in which the characters are presented and the atmosphere is extremely fluid and real.

The novel maintains you with the doubt of who is the murder to the very last page.

A must-read novel <3

March 2, 2021