Average rating4.2
WOWW, I am trying to think of smthg to write for this review but I am speechless, so many things going on in my head at once.
1)I had a theory of who might be the killer and I was wrong so very happy abt that.
2)The ending was insane and I loved how the murderer did everything based on a simple poem.
3)The last few chapters had my heart racing and I was constantly wondering what was gonna happen next,who was gonna get killed next,etc.
4)Amazing how this this book which was written in the 1940's has this much of a crazy plot with an even more crazy ending.(I can see why the book is still very popular despite it being pub years ago)
It was a bit hard to keep track of the characters ngl but still I really enjoyed it!
Story : 10 people get on an island, only to find out that they are dying one by one, mysteriously. The introduction sets the characters... I had to write down every character so I can remember them. When that tape starts to give informations, I was hooked. The ending was kinda obvious for me, but I didn't mind seeing how a criminal thinks. That poem was also very creative...
Characters : There are 10... 11 if you count that sailor. Everyone has a different personality, and I liked it. Everyone has a dark past, and I liked it. I don't know what to say... they were fine, criminals being killed. Yeah, the ways they died were sometimes very intriguing, but sometimes so lame.
Overall : Considering that this is my first Agatha Christie story, I was pleased by what I got. I like her style and can't wait to start Poirot's adventures.
Didn't think I would be scared by an Agatha Christie novel, but here we are. Also I thought I was so smart and had figured it out, but I was totally wrong. Well played, Ms. Christie.
I KNEW IT OMG :0 but also a really solid mystery! christie my girl you've done it again!!
The OG of locked room mysteries. What's not to love? Even though I knew the story and culprit (unfortunately I saw a BBC adaptation of it a few years ago) I still have to marvel at the brilliance of Ms. Christie. Bravo.
I was actually terrified while reading this. This is better than any horror movie I have ever watched. If you want horror and actual fear then this is it. Had to take my time while reading this as I was too scared and had to put it down again and again and distract myself to go to sleep.
Yet another thrilling read with a clever and unexpected ending I've come to know, love, and expect from Agatha Christie. This was more outwardly macabre than her works I've read so far (all featuring Poirot i.e. Roger Ackroyd, Orient Express, & Affair at Styles) but still fascinating and suspenseful all the same. My brain is continuing to process how the book ended... What an imagination Christie had!
“The murderer is one of us!” You've heard of this one before. This mystery novel has embedded itself in our culture a way that everyone is aware of the story even if they've never heard it by name. The entire story feels like a giant trope, but it feels that way because Christie seems to have taken full advantage of the genre and pushed its strengths to their fullest potential. I was lucky enough to not have the solution to the mystery spoiled for me beforehand, but I was proud of myself for guessing the murderer on my second try. Very little makes any sense until the murderer's confession in the epilogue. The tension that the author is capable of is absolutely mind-blowing. I don't think I've been this engaged in a read in a very long time. The best thriller I've ever read.
Overall, the book is a fast-paced page-turner. A fun Sunday read with some nice plot twists. Contemporary readers may find it too “talky” and not bloody enough, but that's part of the charm here.
weirdly, i don't have much to say except that i read this at 1 am and kept feeling a bit scared of the idea of being alone in an island. the book was interesting, the writing kept me engaged but also it was really thoroughly well planned out. i was not able to suspect the real killer, i was just as confused as the characters and the ending was a bit of a shock.
i see why its a classic and is loved this is where the locked room thriller trope came from a good whodunnit. i found the first bit slow is why i am giving it a 4 but i overall did enjoy it!
This is the first time I've read an Agatha Christie book and I am not disappointed. I now understand why this author is so highly talked about. First off, I found the writing of this book really easy to read. Usually when I read a mystery novel, each page is filled with details and the story tends to drag at certain points, but Agatha Christie definitely knows how to get to the point and only include information that really matters to the story line. The story is told through third person which makes it so much better because we get an insight to each person and be able to read their thoughts and feelings towards the situation.
The whole book kept me guessing from start to finish, when I was sure I knew who the murderer was, Agatha Christie proved me wrong time and time again. But my favorite part of this whole book was the fact that we as readers got to see everything, we got to follow these 10 characters from the moment they were on their way to the island up until their deaths. Then, we got to see bits of the detectives trying to figure out who could have possibly murdered 10 people, and see their theories before we get to the letter that was written by the murderer. It's in this letter that we find out who killed everyone, why and how! It was so refreshing getting to read from the murderers perspective and know the details, because normally its some half-assed monologue that only explains bits and pieces of the story. If you haven't read this book I highly recommend it.
I read this in high school and decided to give it a reread. It's such a unique murder mystery. Kind of gives “Clue” vibes. Anyway I loved it not too scary or suspenseful. I actually forgot the ending and my mind was so blown!
I was completely baffled on who was doing the murders but even so I was so interested on who was going to die next and how they were going to stick to the nursery rhyme. I want to read the new version because I have the 1970 crime collection publish so it's with the original name and I want to know if the new name also changes much of the contents as well as there was quite a bit of words in there. I love how it was revealed at the end in a message in the bottle.
This was a good mystery and there were lots of twists and turns and it's not until the end that you discovery everything that went on and how it was connected. Some of the language and ideas do reflect that it was written in the 30's, but that's to be expected.
It was my first Agatha Christie book and I can see why she was so popular. A very well planned and thoughtful mystery.
This was my first Agatha Christie experience. What a masterpiece! It had me hooked from the very first page (containing the author's note) to the last and why not?!! it's the best selling crime novel of all time.
This is the story that made Agatha Christie the best-selling novelist of all time. “It was so difficult to do,” she writes, “that the idea had fascinated me.” It was an idea which is now the basis for many Hollywood horror films and has become a cliché to modern audiences, but it was Agatha Christie who was the first to do it and so successfully that the story has become her most adapted piece.
First read this when I was in school. This is my re-read as an adult. I have a lot to say, but honestly don't feel like typing it all out. I will say that knowing the shock ending ahead of time made the cons stick out more than the pros.
An amazing and intriguing novel from beginning to end. The way in which the characters are presented and the atmosphere is extremely fluid and real.
The novel maintains you with the doubt of who is the murder to the very last page.
A must-read novel <3