Average rating4.2
I saw this book a while back and could not see the charm in it. But now I'm in a I-Love-All-Things-French mode and this children's book reentered my radar.
I found it clever and fresh. A little more sophisticated than a children's tv show, but not far from the bang them over the head humor that some kids love.
It is always a pleasure to read the first book in any series - seeing how it all started. This first story in the Asterix series does not disappoint. It introduces most of true main characters and their quirks- how they are and mostly, why they are as they are. Also it emphasises early on that it is the sheer cunning and wit of Asterix, not merely his physical strength (thanks to the potion) that won the day. The level of detail in the illustrations is unparalleled. One of my all-time favourite comics.
The first in the Asterix series... I haven't read this since I was a kid, and it still makes me giggle!