Batman/Superman, Volume 1: Cross World
2014 • 139 pages


Average rating3


What a complete disaster! When the original series began, I had such high hopes because Public Enemies was such a brilliantly executed novel. Sadly, since then its been completely downhill. And Greg Pak just hits rock bottom with such completeness that whoever takes up the next stage cannot fare any worse. The story is simply silly and so complicated that I do not even expect the writer to be sure of the what and where of the story. The back and forth between Clark and Bruce which was the best part of the original is now complicated by two alter ego's and completely confuses the hell out of us. Plus, the artwork while different does not make it any easier to distinguish one character from the other. All in all, I would recommend people to avoid this like the plague especially if you are a DC lover. There is nothing but heartburn for you here!

February 21, 2014Report this review