Beasts of Ruin
2022 • 384 pages


Average rating4


GR rating- 3/5⭐
Actual rating- 3.75/5⭐

After reading the first book and being left completely shocked at the ending, I wanted to read this one to see what happens to Koffi and Ekon next. This book was more character driven than plot which caused the pacing to feel very slow to me most of the time and more of a filler book than anything. I did like that we were introduced to many new characters along the way. Almost every review I've read has said that the last 100 pages really pick up in pace, and let me tell you, they certainly did. I did enjoy the last 100 pages more than the story itself as a whole; and I can't wait to see where the author takes the story next!

October 19, 2023Report this review