Average rating3.2
A slow start but upon reflection I think I liked it even better than the first book of the series.
Uh oh....Ridley's been a bad girl. Tut tut!!
So it actually took me a while to get back into this series. After reading Beautiful Creatures, and thinking it was slightly too long and a little out streched I felt like I needed a change. I'm glad I started on Beautiful Darkness because it was so much better than Beautiful Creatures.
I especially loved the development of Ridley's character. I think she's kick-ass!!! And Link is awesome too.
I didn't however like Liv. I thought it was a little pointless having her there since she actually didn't do anything. There was no need for her to be there and I think she was just put there to make readers think that maybe she could have been a distraction for Ethan. Otherwise she was pretty pointless.
I did really enough the story though. There were a few twists and turns I really didn't expect but one massive one I so knew was coming but I shall continue with the series and hope it gets better. It has to get better with a cliff hanger like that!!
Usually you open the second book in a series like you do watching a horror flick, thru a crack between 2 of the fingers of the hand covering your eyes. Afraid to find out the second book is not as good as the first, but yet you can't not look either.
Thankfully I enjoyed this one! I wished I'd read this closer to the first book as there are many references to the first that I've forgotten. Also, the list of family members on each side of the wedding aisle is huge and sometimes hard to keep track of. But the author stays focused on the storyline and doesn't get bogged down in detail and minutia.
Putting the rest of the series on the TBR list.
Decepción!!!! uno de esos libro que fue mejor no leer, siempre he dicho que mi curiosidad me ocasionarían problemas, en este caso, bastante aburrimiento.
Todo el libro es inestable, comienzo aburrido, el transcurso de la historia se pone interesante para volver a caer en lo aburrido. No me gusto, pero le pongo dos estrellas, porque tuvo buenos momentos.
Puntos buenos, creo que son Link y Liv, Macon también, pero muy poco.
Cómo siempre el punto malo, con la emo de Lena, o sea: un par de cachetadones no le vendrían mal a esta muchacha!!! Ethan tan patético como siempre, parecía que se iba a redimir pero... en fin.
Me parece que el libro pudo dar más, es mi opinión.
Notorious step down from the first boon on the saga, this one lets on more of the weaknesses in writing style of the author, the protagonists couldn't be un any sort of pickle without a character with stablished magical powers of some sort miraculously appearing to save them without anylogical explanation as to how they got there so easily when our heroes spent so much tune trying to get where they were to then said character conveniently disapear into the sidelines never to be seen again until the author remembered they introduced this characters in the first place. Also, talking about characters and bad writing, very few characters here had a personality by which you could distinguish them from one another, the author barely spends any time flushing out character's personalitites beyond their supposed hobbies that are only ever mentioned when describing said character and not shown in their day to day lives. I was disappointed to be honest, I got the feeling the author had an interesting idea that they didn't know how to develop further correctly, I could've been magical but instead it just turned into a mush of convenient rescues, convenient powers that didn't seem to have any limit lots of obvious coincidences and unsubtle writing that told everything you needed to know to predict the future in a few lines.