Received an E-ARC from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoyed this collection.
Of course, I have my favourites and so I will discuss my top 3.
Katrina Jackson is an amazing erotic storyteller and so I was very pleased that she was included in this volume. “Easy Ride” was excellent.
I also loved Elia Winters contribution to this. Her f/f pairing in “Sweater Weather” was the only one in this book and I do hope that the next volume will include more queer pairings.
Brit Ingram's story “Cooling Off” did the exact opposite which was the intention.
Special mention also to Alexis Wilder's “The Instruction Manual”, Mia Hopkins' “The Eighth Wonder”, Abuja Varghese's “The Conference” and Margot Pierce's “Calyx”
Almost all the stories appealed to me in some way but i love truly loved the first three I mentioned and there was only ONE that really did nothing for me.
All in all it was a hot pleasant read.
You know if you read an Elia Winters story it is going to be really good and Sweater Weather backs up that claim. Everyone knows by now that I love some BDSM in my stories and Winters brings it. Two grad students who accidentally discover that they have some things in common and it is no school work. Lila gives Paige some homework that they end playing with later. Winters showcases consent and safety rules which I love them for. Good times for Miss Lila, Paige, and for us.
I love to masturbate and this is the first time that I have read a story about masturbating and how much fun it is. Saskia Vogel is trending with their story Cream. Vogel details the different ways in which Jacinda plays. She then shares the after effects with her husband when he gets home without him being any wiser as to how she spends her extra time. Now I will give a cautionary note here about Jacinda's birth control method: don't do it! (laugh) Other than that...takes notes and remember masturbating is a healthy and stress-relieving good time. Just ask Jacinda.
Jane Bauer has me rethinking my efforts to become a vegetarian. Holy sugar, I totally want a sausage or maybe just the grease of it across my lips. Eating food has never been so hot and spicy, just like the butcher said. Meat Cute is full of desire and I do not know whether it is really for the butcher or for the meat because the scent came first and then later Mattie does. All I can say is if you are on a diet, do not have Jane Bauer talk to you. Bauer could probably talk a food addict off the wagon. Now I am actually craving sausage and I do not eat it. (laugh)
I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.