Average rating3
Now honestly, the writing isn't all that great. But, I still did get sucked into the story. Admittedly, I did take a long break from this book. A good few months break. The place I stopped was not the easiest to get back into and I had forgotten what the writing was like. F* this and F* that, F* F* F*. I think this might be the author's favorite word (at least for the Male characters). As I slogged through and got past the F's and the constant sex, the story actually picked up with an interesting storyline. I don't know if this storyline is continued in any of their other books but I would love to see the end result or continuation at least of that particular part of the story. So that interesting plot point ended up bumping this rating from 3 to 4 stars for me. I can admit when the writing is bad but, I can also admit when this author does write some good ish that keeps me reading. I guess jordan silver's work will be added to my list of guilty pleasures.
**UPDATE 2/4/25: Okay, thinking back over this book I decided to change my rating from a 4 to a 3. Reason being, in all honesty, this book is not good -at all- BUT I still enjoyed it. Realistically I would've rated this a 1.5-2 if it were any other author but Jordan Silver's work really is one of my guilty pleasures. And, I have no idea how they do it. **