Average rating3.7
I think this might be just because I don't like romance that I didn't love this. I couldn't help noticing the times when Pike was really possessive or controlling and it was never addressed. The time he picked her up and spanked her against her will? Nope. If scenes like that had been cut out, this could easily have been a 4 star book. All the scenes like that completely took away from the moments where Jordan (seemingly) put Pike in his place for being an asshole. They felt out of place and strange and made me not like Pike and Jordan together. They usually seemed to have a lot of chemistry and to be a good match, but then there would be these weird, jarring scenes where Pike blew up on her, and she often said “you're not my father” because he literally was treating her like a child. I don't know; the rest of it was fine but all the stuff I said really detracted from the story for me.
No tenía expectativas en este libro pero no sé pensé que iba a ser algo más..
Está bien, es entretenido para pasar el rato, sin más.
Forbidden love... can't go wrong.
Read through so quick - couldn't get enough. Super steamy.
This was my first Penelope Douglas book and from what I know or have heard about her other books, I was expecting a little more (at least spice) than this book gives. I'm not mad that I read it, but I was so done with the main female character by the end of the book, I didn't even want to read her chapters. It ended nice and cute and it had good closure, but she just pissed me off as the book went on. The main male character however was the opposite. I didn't ever not like him, I loved him from the start, but as time went on you start to feel bad for him and realize he never did anything wrong. I'm just a little disappointed in the book I guess. Maybe in the end they deserved each other, but the last half of the book I felt like she didn't deserve him.
I loved their relationship so much. It was frustrating at times but overall it was a great book. Good romance and spice to add to it.