Average rating3.7
I'm struggling between reading this a two or a three star. It wasn't a bad book, and I like the forbidden romance that it had going on, but I just am not a fan of sex scenes in my books unless they are progressing the plot. Otherwise I just find them a bit of a waste of time and a little boring. There aren't a ton in Birthday Girl, but enough that I was skipping segments. I really am just not a romance girl, I've said it a million times and I'll say it again
such an addictive book! I just finished this with the biggest smile on my face!
I did have some problems with it, hence why it isn't 5 stars lol
I loved every minute of this book. Will definitely be added to my reread pile of books.
One of my favs of the year so far! I loved the writing style for the most part. The only issues I had with the book at all were the super long chapters and the time jumps at the end. The end is what I was looking forward to the entire book and I feel like we missed the wedding, pregnancies, birth, the most important parts of the book. I loved the tropes, age gap, touch her and die, etc. Pike is my kinda book boyfriend 🥵
I'm struggling between reading this a two or a three star. It wasn't a bad book, and I like the forbidden romance that it had going on, but I just am not a fan of sex scenes in my books unless they are progressing the plot. Otherwise I just find them a bit of a waste of time and a little boring. There aren't a ton in Birthday Girl, but enough that I was skipping segments. I really am just not a romance girl, I've said it a million times and I'll say it again
I really wanted to absolutely fall in love with this book. There were moments I really enjoyed, but also some things that just fell a bit flat for me. Maybe my expectations were too high? Probably
okay... i understand the hype around pike, i reeeeally do!!!!!
i loved this book SO much. the twists at the end made me so emotional but the epilogue really made it set with me that pike and jordan are soulmates 110%.
pools, shitty but nice bars, construction workers, age gap, rose birthday cakes, 80s music + films, coronas, bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers.
I thought this book was alright. The main character made some pretty rash decisions that showed her immaturity at times, which was frustrating.
I loved this so much! It's right up there with Punk 57 for me.
I loved Jordan and Pike, loved their relationship and how it felt natural despite the age difference. I also liked how the conflict of Cole finding out was handled. Just loved it all!
Es tóxica, tiene 19 años de diferencia pero me gustó, porque si pike fuera mucho más joven le diría a Jordan ni lo dude, hágale.
Estaba un poquito bloqueada y Penelope Douglas ha hecho que fuera capaz de terminarme esta maravilla en un par de días
Increíblemente, tiene más paralelismos con el [b:Birthday Girl 40554247 Birthday Girl Haruki Murakami https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1533742371l/40554247.SX50.jpg 26069541] de Murakami de lo que esperaba.
1/5 stars
This was worse than I remembered, and I hadn't even read it that long ago. The love triangle is completely nonexistent. Every single character in this goddamn book has zero-character development. Giving this book 2 stars was being generous. Cole was created for the sole purpose of justifying Jordan getting together with Pike.
There was zero chemistry between Pike & Jordan, & I stand by that. The amount of fits Jordan went through when being in that situation was justified because she is just 19 & he is in his FUCKING 30s so obviously there are going to be arguments because of the levels of maturity involved. (For some reason, I assumed Jordan was older during my first read through. My bad.) So the default dynamic I saw was father-daughter, especially since he was constantly reprimanding her and second-guessing every action she took. So, it weirded me the hell out when, after these situations, he immediately thought of her sexually. Yeah, the author does mention that he likes her personality as well, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT it seems as if the only reason he held back the whole time was because she is or was a kid in his eyes. Still weird as hell. Side characters didn't help at all either. They were just there to push the relationship which is annoying because we already have to deal with trashy MCs. Sex scenes were meh some of them were just straight up weird cough (the loofa scene what was even the reason of including that) but nothing that I would go back and read again.
I am going to stop here because if I continue it'll turning into an elongated rant. I 100% do NOT recommend you reading this book. It'll save you a lot of wasted time.
I don't even know why I wasted my time after reading two pages of this book. This was so so so much baaaad....It does not even deserve one star. It's not even worth negative ratings I guess...
¿Sabía que iba a ser terrífico? Sí. ¿Me lo he leído igualmente? Efectivamente sí